Nicky Wrightson, Financial Times

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200 containerized services + kubernetes orchestration across two regions.

Why containers

Monoliths didn’t cut it if they were to keep relieince while developing new features

80% cost reduction using containers.

Increased testability using containers (everything is guaranteed to be in place).


Too much change too soon!

Some serverless components today.

PoC early 2015

Kubernetes not around, so built their own.

Java not extremely resource conservative compared to e.g. Go. ==> High Container footprint

Use only where needed, consider lighter alternatives elsewhere.

Containerise all the things == a lot of hard work

Of course, changed DB to Neo4J at the same time as they did everything else…

Control issues (mapp service hw req vs hosted VM)

Stateful services make containers sad

Limit container growth.

Monitor at the right level to get the high level view. <== put effort in Core Business Value critical services.

SIMPLE deployment pipeline.

Operational Testing awareness.

Automate the complex things, even if they are rarely done

AWS dropped Fleet support ==> forced migration to Kubernetes and Helm – yay!

Tweak deployment details during active development during migration.




Operationally supportable

Deployments are more graceful

More self-healing


Rewrite parts of the architecture to fit into all of the nice new features.

Monolithic cluster via namespaces?

Continuous migration?

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